a from http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/mobile/ios.html
GANTracker for Google Analytics:
1.Download the GANTracker.h File and import the Project.
2.Import the coding into which page has been tracked.
// GANTracker.h
// Google Analytics iOS SDK
// Version: 1.4
// Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
extern NSString* const kGANTrackerErrorDomain;
typedef enum {
kGANTrackerInvalidInputError = 0xbade7a9,
kGANTrackerEventsPerSessionLimitError = 0xbad5704e,
kGANTrackerNotStartedError = 0xbada55,
kGANTrackerDatabaseError = 0xbadbaddb
#define kGANMaxCustomVariables 5
#define kGANMaxCustomVariableLength 64
typedef enum {
kGANVisitorScope = 1U,
kGANSessionScope = 2U,
kGANPageScope = 3U
} GANCVScope;
@protocol GANTrackerDelegate;
typedef struct __GANTrackerPrivate GANTrackerPrivate;
// Google Analytics tracker interface. Tracked pageviews and events are stored
// in a persistent store and dispatched in the background to the server.
@interface GANTracker : NSObject {
GANTrackerPrivate *private_;
BOOL debug_;
BOOL dryRun_;
BOOL anonymizeIp_;
NSUInteger sampleRate_;
// If the debug flag is set, debug messages will be written to the log.
// It is useful for debugging calls to the Google Analytics SDK.
// By default, the debug flag is disabled.
@property(readwrite) BOOL debug;
// If the dryRun flag is set, hits will not be sent to Google Analytics.
// It is useful for testing and debugging calls to the Google Analytics SDK.
// By default, the dryRun flag is disabled.
@property(readwrite) BOOL dryRun;
// If the anonymizeIp flag is set, the SDK will anonymize information sent to
// Google Analytics by setting the last octet of the IP address to zero prior
// to its storage and/or submission.
// By default, the anonymizeIp flag is disabled.
@property(readwrite) BOOL anonymizeIp;
// The sampleRate parameter controls the probability that the visitor will be
// sampled. When a visitor is not sampled, no data is submitted to Google
// Analytics about that visitor's activity. If your application is subject to
// heavy traffic spikes, you may wish to adjust the sample rate to ensure
// uninterrupted report tracking. Sampling in Google Analytics occurs
// consistently across unique visitors, ensuring integrity in trending and
// reporting even when sampling is enabled, because unique visitors remain
// included or excluded from the sample, as set from the initiation of
// sampling.
// By default, sampleRate is 100, which signifies no sampling. sampleRate may
// be set to any integer value between 0 and 100, inclusive. A value of 90
// requests 90% of visitors to be sampled (10% of visitors to be sampled out).
@property(readwrite) NSUInteger sampleRate;
// Singleton instance of this class for convenience.
+ (GANTracker *)sharedTracker;
// Start the tracker with the specified Google Analytics account ID (the string
// that begins with "UA-") and desired automatic dispatch period (in seconds).
// The dispatcher will dispatch events, if any, every |dispatchPeriod| seconds.
// If a non-positive (e.g. 0 or -1) dispatch period is given, automatic
// dispatch will not be enabled, and the application will need to dispatch
// events manually. An optional delegate may be supplied.
- (void)startTrackerWithAccountID:(NSString *)accountID
// Stop the tracker.
- (void)stopTracker;
// Track a page view. Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error. Note that trackPageview will prepend a '/'
// character if pageURL doesn't start with one.
- (BOOL)trackPageview:(NSString *)pageURL
withError:(NSError **)error;
// Track an event. The category and action are required. The label and
// value are optional (specify nil for no label and -1 or any negative integer
// for no value). Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)trackEvent:(NSString *)category
action:(NSString *)action
label:(NSString *)label
withError:(NSError **)error;
// Set a custom variable. visitor and session scoped custom variables are stored
// for later use. Session and page scoped custom variables are attached to each
// event. Visitor scoped custom variables are sent only on the first event for
// a session. Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)setCustomVariableAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
name:(NSString *)name
value:(NSString *)value
withError:(NSError **)error;
// Set a page scoped custom variable. The variable set is returned with the
// next event only. It will overwrite any existing visitor or session scoped
// custom variables. Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)setCustomVariableAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
name:(NSString *)name
value:(NSString *)value
withError:(NSError **)error;
// Returns the value of the custom variable at the index requested. Returns
// nil if no variable is found or index is out of range.
- (NSString *)getVisitorCustomVarAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
// Add a transaction to the Ecommerce buffer. If a transaction with an orderId
// of orderID is already present, it will be replaced by a new one. All
// transactions and all the items in the buffer will be queued for dispatch once
// trackTransactions is called. Returns YES on success or NO on error
// (with |error| set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for
// |error| if you don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)addTransaction:(NSString *)orderID
storeName:(NSString *)storeName
withError:(NSError **)error;
// Add an item to the Ecommerce buffer for the transaction whose orderId matches
// the input parameter orderID. If no transaction exists, one will be created.
// If an item with the same itemSKU exists, it will be replaced with a new item.
// All the transactions and items in the Ecommerce buffer will be queued for
// dispatch once trackTransactions is called. Returns YES on success or NO on
// error (with |error| set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL
// for |error| if you don'tcare about the error.
- (BOOL)addItem:(NSString *)orderID
itemSKU:(NSString *)itemSKU
itemName:(NSString *)itemName
itemCategory:(NSString *)itemCategory
withError:(NSError **)error;
// Tracks all the Ecommerce hits pending in the Ecommerce buffer.
// Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)trackTransactions:(NSError **)error;
// Clears out the buffer of pending Ecommerce hits without sending them.
// Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)clearTransactions:(NSError **)error;
// Sets the campaign to the input parameter referrer. All hits going forward
// will have this campaign attached. Note that calling setReferrer will trigger
// a new session.
- (BOOL)setReferrer:(NSString *)referrer withError:(NSError **)error;
// Manually dispatch pageviews/events to the server. Returns YES if
// a new dispatch starts.
- (BOOL)dispatch;
// Manually dispatch pageviews/events to the server synchronously until timeout
// time has elapsed. Returns YES upon completion if there were hits to send and
// all hits were sent successfully. Call this method with care as it will block
// all GANTracker activity until it is done.
- (BOOL)dispatchSynchronous:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
@protocol GANTrackerDelegate <NSObject>
// Invoked when a hit has been dispatched.
- (void)hitDispatched:(NSString *)hitString;
// Invoked when a dispatch completes. Reports the number of hits
// dispatched and the number of hits that failed to dispatch. Failed
// hits will be retried on next dispatch.
- (void)trackerDispatchDidComplete:(GANTracker *)tracker