Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Create Google Analytics in iOS

 You can write the following code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in app delegate.

[[GANTracker sharedTracker] startTrackerWithAccountID:@xxxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyy-zzzzz" dispatchPeriod:kGANDispatchPeriodSec delegate:nil];
NSError *error;
    if (![[GANTracker sharedTracker] trackPageview:@"/app_launched"withError:&error]) 
        // Handle error here

In Google Analytics Page:
xxxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyy-zzzzz--->for getting this number, you can create account in google analytics  and type the project name and get this tracker id number

You have to add  cfnetwork framework and add GANTracker header file. and libgoogle analytic.

example: #import<GANTracker.h>

a  from

GANTracker for Google Analytics:
1.Download the GANTracker.h File and import the Project.
2.Import the coding into which page has been tracked.


//  GANTracker.h
//  Google Analytics iOS SDK
//  Version: 1.4
//  Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

extern NSString* const kGANTrackerErrorDomain;

typedef enum {
  kGANTrackerInvalidInputError = 0xbade7a9,
  kGANTrackerEventsPerSessionLimitError = 0xbad5704e,
  kGANTrackerNotStartedError = 0xbada55,
  kGANTrackerDatabaseError = 0xbadbaddb

#define kGANMaxCustomVariables 5
#define kGANMaxCustomVariableLength 64

typedef enum {
  kGANVisitorScope = 1U,
  kGANSessionScope = 2U,
  kGANPageScope = 3U
} GANCVScope;

@protocol GANTrackerDelegate;
typedef struct __GANTrackerPrivate GANTrackerPrivate;

// Google Analytics tracker interface. Tracked pageviews and events are stored
// in a persistent store and dispatched in the background to the server.

@interface GANTracker : NSObject {
  GANTrackerPrivate *private_;
  BOOL debug_;
  BOOL dryRun_;
  BOOL anonymizeIp_;
  NSUInteger sampleRate_;

// If the debug flag is set, debug messages will be written to the log.
// It is useful for debugging calls to the Google Analytics SDK.
// By default, the debug flag is disabled.
@property(readwrite) BOOL debug;

// If the dryRun flag is set, hits will not be sent to Google Analytics.
// It is useful for testing and debugging calls to the Google Analytics SDK.
// By default, the dryRun flag is disabled.
@property(readwrite) BOOL dryRun;

// If the anonymizeIp flag is set, the SDK will anonymize information sent to
// Google Analytics by setting the last octet of the IP address to zero prior
// to its storage and/or submission.
// By default, the anonymizeIp flag is disabled.
@property(readwrite) BOOL anonymizeIp;

// The sampleRate parameter controls the probability that the visitor will be
// sampled. When a visitor is not sampled, no data is submitted to Google
// Analytics about that visitor's activity. If your application is subject to
// heavy traffic spikes, you may wish to adjust the sample rate to ensure
// uninterrupted report tracking. Sampling in Google Analytics occurs
// consistently across unique visitors, ensuring integrity in trending and
// reporting even when sampling is enabled, because unique visitors remain
// included or excluded from the sample, as set from the initiation of
// sampling.
// By default, sampleRate is 100, which signifies no sampling. sampleRate may
// be set to any integer value between 0 and 100, inclusive. A value of 90
// requests 90% of visitors to be sampled (10% of visitors to be sampled out).
@property(readwrite) NSUInteger sampleRate;

// Singleton instance of this class for convenience.
+ (GANTracker *)sharedTracker;

// Start the tracker with the specified Google Analytics account ID (the string
// that begins with "UA-") and desired automatic dispatch period (in seconds).
// The dispatcher will dispatch events, if any, every |dispatchPeriod| seconds.
// If a non-positive (e.g. 0 or -1) dispatch period is given, automatic
// dispatch will not be enabled, and the application will need to dispatch
// events manually. An optional delegate may be supplied.
- (void)startTrackerWithAccountID:(NSString *)accountID

// Stop the tracker.
- (void)stopTracker;

// Track a page view. Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.  Note that trackPageview will prepend a '/'
// character if pageURL doesn't start with one.
- (BOOL)trackPageview:(NSString *)pageURL
            withError:(NSError **)error;

// Track an event. The category and action are required. The label and
// value are optional (specify nil for no label and -1 or any negative integer
// for no value). Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)trackEvent:(NSString *)category
            action:(NSString *)action
             label:(NSString *)label
         withError:(NSError **)error;

// Set a custom variable. visitor and session scoped custom variables are stored
// for later use.  Session and page scoped custom variables are attached to each
// event.  Visitor scoped custom variables are sent only on the first event for
// a session. Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)setCustomVariableAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
                            name:(NSString *)name
                           value:(NSString *)value
                       withError:(NSError **)error;

// Set a page scoped custom variable.  The variable set is returned with the
// next event only.  It will overwrite any existing visitor or session scoped
// custom variables. Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)setCustomVariableAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
                            name:(NSString *)name
                           value:(NSString *)value
                       withError:(NSError **)error;

// Returns the value of the custom variable at the index requested.  Returns
// nil if no variable is found or index is out of range.
- (NSString *)getVisitorCustomVarAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;

// Add a transaction to the Ecommerce buffer.  If a transaction with an orderId
// of orderID is already present, it will be replaced by a new one. All
// transactions and all the items in the buffer will be queued for dispatch once
// trackTransactions is called.  Returns YES on success or NO on error
// (with |error| set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for
// |error| if you don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)addTransaction:(NSString *)orderID
             storeName:(NSString *)storeName
             withError:(NSError **)error;

// Add an item to the Ecommerce buffer for the transaction whose orderId matches
// the input parameter orderID.  If no transaction exists, one will be created.
// If an item with the same itemSKU exists, it will be replaced with a new item.
// All the transactions and items in the Ecommerce buffer will be queued for
// dispatch once trackTransactions is called.  Returns YES on success or NO on
// error (with |error| set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL
// for |error| if you don'tcare about the error.
- (BOOL)addItem:(NSString *)orderID
        itemSKU:(NSString *)itemSKU
       itemName:(NSString *)itemName
   itemCategory:(NSString *)itemCategory
      withError:(NSError **)error;

// Tracks all the Ecommerce hits pending in the Ecommerce buffer.
// Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)trackTransactions:(NSError **)error;

// Clears out the buffer of pending Ecommerce hits without sending them.
// Returns YES on success or NO on error (with |error|
// set to the specific error, or nil). You may pass NULL for |error| if you
// don't care about the error.
- (BOOL)clearTransactions:(NSError **)error;

// Sets the campaign to the input parameter referrer. All hits going forward
// will have this campaign attached.  Note that calling setReferrer will trigger
// a new session.
- (BOOL)setReferrer:(NSString *)referrer withError:(NSError **)error;

// Manually dispatch pageviews/events to the server. Returns YES if
// a new dispatch starts.
- (BOOL)dispatch;

// Manually dispatch pageviews/events to the server synchronously until timeout
// time has elapsed.  Returns YES upon completion if there were hits to send and
// all hits were sent successfully. Call this method with care as it will block
// all GANTracker activity until it is done.
- (BOOL)dispatchSynchronous:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;


@protocol GANTrackerDelegate <NSObject>

// Invoked when a hit has been dispatched.
- (void)hitDispatched:(NSString *)hitString;

// Invoked when a dispatch completes. Reports the number of hits
// dispatched and the number of hits that failed to dispatch. Failed
// hits will be retried on next dispatch.
- (void)trackerDispatchDidComplete:(GANTracker *)tracker


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